Author: cdeschenes

AMP / Tyco UP (Universal Power) Connectors

I am so tired of looking for these AMP UP connectors for my Sega Astro City control panel. I finally found a good USA resource for them. Here are the part numbers for the connectors used in the control panel.

Use this site to search for part numbers
11125 S. Eastern Ave. Ste 120
Henderson, NV 89052 USA

Speaker male: 4 Pin
Part Number: 176273-1 (Order)

Speaker female:
Part Number: 176294-1 (Order)

Player 1 male: 12 Pin
Part Number: 176278-1 (Order)

Player 1 female: 
Part Number: 176299-1 (Order)

Optional / Kick Harness male: 10 Pin
Part Number: 176277-1 (Order)

Optional / Kick Harness female: 
Part Number: 176298-1 (Order)

Ground male: 2 Pin
Part Number:  176271-1 (Order)

Ground female:
Part Number: 176292-1 (Order)

Male Pins:
Part Number: 175152-1 (Order) (Digikey)

Female Pins:
Part Number: 175150-1 (Order) (Digikey)



I finally got my PC to JAMMA converter tested. Next I will get it mounted on a proper piece of wood an clean up the wires. Here is a shot of it.


Here is the parts list:

  • JAMMA Fingerboard (link)
  • MC Cthulhu from Godlike Controls (link)
  • UltraCade uVC Universal Video Converter (link)

Everything connects to a Dell Quad Core PC.

Here is a shot of everything running in 15khz on my Sega Astro City.


Sega Dreamcast Vertical Shooters (rotatable)

A list of Sega Dreamcast SHMUPS that can be rotated from a menu option.

Make sure you have a memory card or a VMU in your controller so you can save your tate option.

Gunbird 2
VGA Supported: Yes (Issues?)
Multi Player: No
Rotate Instructions:
Gameplay Video: Youtube 

VGA Supported: Yes
Multi Player: Yes
Rotate Instructions:
Gameplay Video: Youtube

VGA Supported: Yes
Multi Player: Yes
Rotate Instructions:
Gameplay Video: Youtube

Psyvariar II
VGA Supported: Yes
Multi Player: Yes
Rotate Instructions:
Gameplay Video: Youtube

VGA Supported: Yes
Multi Player: Yes
Rotate Instructions:
Gameplay Video: Youtube

Shikigami no Shiro II
VGA Supported: Yes
Multi Player: Yes
Rotate Instructions:
Gameplay Video: Youtube

Triggerheart Exelica
VGA Supported: Yes
Multi Player: Yes
Rotate Instructions:
Gameplay Video: Youtube

VGA Supported: Yes
Multi Player: Yes
Rotate Instructions:
Gameplay Video: Youtube

Under Defeat
Supported 2 Player Mode
Gameplay Video: Youtube


Dreamcast to JAMMA

I had a few spare Sega Dreamcasts around and decided it would be a good system to stick in my Sega Astro City due to the tate (vertical) games.


  • 1 Sega Dreamcast
  • 2 Sega Dreamcast controllers
  • 1 JAMMA Fingerboard
  • 1 Sega Dreamcast to VGA adapter

I kind of lucked out since the VGA adapter I have is compatible to an easy hack to make it output 15khz for my M9 arcade monitor.

Here is the link for the Dreamcast VGA Adapter mod.

I was only going to use this VGA adapter for the Astro City so I decided not to install a switch to go back to 31khz. I just cut pin 6 (blue wire on my adapter) so it forces 16khz. You could just add a switch inline with pin 6 and then you can switch between 16khz and 31khz. This is handy if you want to use the adapter on a LCD TV also, which I do not recommend since the Sega Dreamcast does not look that great on a LCD.

To start this project off I call on a friend, Adam, to help out with the cabinet and to kill some beer. he was successful with both tasks. We wanted to do a quick “proof of concept” and just get the video working to see how it looked.

  • I took the Dreamcast VGA converted and cut pin 6.
  • Took a VGA  cable and cut one end off so I can soldier it to the JAMMA fingerboard.

More to come…